Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, foto del convegno GRAC tenutosi nell'anno 2009


Cover PCAC 29

ʿAmr ibn Mattā al-Ṭīrhānī (XIs), Il Libro della Torre. «Kitāb al-Miǧdal». Introduzione, testo critico arabo e traduzione italiana delle sezioni I e II a cura di Gianmaria Gianazza. Prefazione di Herman Teule. 

ISBN: 9791280091147

Selected pages 

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Encyclopedic work in seven sections and in thirty chapters, whose al-miǧdal title means "The Tower", compiled by ʿAmr Ibn Mattā al-Ṭīrhānī (XI s.).
In the introduction, in a refined Arabic language in rhyme prose (saǧʿ), after the preface about the honor of science and education, the author presents some details about his life and the work to which he devoted himself.

Then in section I (the exposure) states that man, through creation, must recognize the creator, one and eternal, endowed with reason, living and wise, declaring that science leads to the creator and to faith.
In section II (the building) the Author faces in the first chapter (the top) the unity of God, his essence and his attributes; in the second chapter (the foundation) the humanity and divinity of Christ and in the third (the construction) the Holy Trinity.
This is the first of various other volumes in which the editor intends to publish the entire work of al-miǧdal.

This tome contains sections I and II for a total of 4 of the 30 chapters of the entire work.